Thursday, September 14, 2006

In my line of work...
I need to travel alot all over the world for different types of jobs. There are deadlines to keep and Clients waiting. Like any other job,we all know the importance of being on time. And having a travel agent working working to support you in best way. Its essential to keep your self on the top.
Ive been lucky it just happend to me 2 times so far in my carrer,my plane got delayed or my ticket wasent booked. And in the end I lost the both jobs..
Many times while booking tickets with different Airlines or Travel agents. You put your self in a situation,that could be your last ?

These days when I flying for jobs or going away some place nice for holiday. I always book my tickets through 'Ribbtrip',to ensure i'll get the best service needed to keep my self ahead of the game.. U can aslo now keep your self head of the game by booking tickets via Ribbtrip.